Self-Paced: Grade 4 Fractions.
The Singapore Mathematics Grade 4 Fractions course is designed to strengthen students' understanding and proficiency in working with fractions. This course builds upon the foundational knowledge and skills developed in previous grades, focusing on reviewing equivalent fractions and extending the concepts to addition and subtraction of like and unlike fractions. The course will cover improper and mixed fractions, as well as addition and subtraction fractions. Furthermore, students will learn about the product of a fraction and a whole number, as well as multiplication of fractions. The course will culminate in solving word problems that apply fraction concepts to real-life situations.
Prerequisites: Students enrolling in the Singapore Math Grade 4 Fractions course should have a solid understanding of basic mathematical concepts, including multiplication and division. It is also recommended for students to have completed Grade 3 fractions.
Singapore Mathematics Curriculum:
Math in Focus: Chapters 6
Math in Focus 2020: Chapters 3
Primary Mathematics US Ed.: Chapter 3
Dimensions Math: Chapters 6/7/8